Friday, 13 February 2015

SRM : Failed to add array manager for MirrorView SRA with error: Failed to connect to management system address while executing 'discoverArrays' command (2009074)

Symptoms :
  • You cannot add an array manager when using MirrorView SRA with vCenter Site Recovery Manger 4.0/4.1.
  • Attempting to configure the array manager results in the follow error occurs:
  • Failed to connect to management system address while executing 'discoverArrays' command
  • When checking the MirrorView SRA DR.log logfile the following errors can be seen:

Logs :
[2011-11-04 14:33:01.730 02700 verbose 'SysCommandLineWin32'] Starting process: "C:\\Program Files (x86)\\VMware\\VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager\\external\\perl-5.8.8\\bin\\perl.exe" "C:/Program Files (x86)/VMware/VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager/scripts/SAN/MirrorView SRA/"
[2011-11-04 14:33:02.183 02700 trivia 'PrimarySanProvider'] discoverArrays's output:
MirrorViewSRACLI Start
[#2] MirrorViewSRACLI End
[#2] [001768][000796][11/04 14:33:01 995][MirrorViewSRACoreUtilities.cpp@001600 InitLogging                             ] XXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXX
[#2] [001768][000796][11/04 14:33:01 995][MirrorViewSRACoreUtilities.cpp@001601 InitLogging                             ] MirrorView SRA Version:
[#2] [001768][000796][11/04 14:33:01 995][DiscoverArrays.cpp            @000213 DiscoverArrays                          ] Enter
[#2] [001768][000796][11/04 14:33:01 995][MirrorViewSRACoreUtilities.cpp@000007 InitStorAPI                             ] Enter1
[#2] [001768][000796][11/04 14:33:01 995][MirrorViewSRACoreUtilities.cpp@000044 InitStorAPI                             ] Trying database file: C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager\scripts\SAN\MirrorView SRA\symapi_db.bin
[#2] [001768][000796][11/04 14:33:02 042][MirrorViewSRACoreUtilities.cpp@000053 InitStorAPI                             ] StorInit suceeded for database file: C:\Program Files (x86)\VMware\VMware vCenter Site Recovery Manager\scripts\SAN\MirrorView SRA\symapi_db.bin
[#2] [001768][000796][11/04 14:33:02 042][MirrorViewSRACoreUtilities.cpp@000127 InitStorAPI                             ] Exit. hr:0x0
[#2] [001768][000796][11/04 14:33:02 042][MirrorViewSRACoreUtilities.cpp@000622 StoreCredentials                        ] Enter
[#2] [001768][000796][11/04 14:33:02 120][MirrorViewSRACoreUtilities.cpp@000674 StoreCredentials                        ] Calling StorAccessCredentialsDefine Host: bne01-spa Username: emceng
[#2] [001768][000796][11/04 14:33:02 120][MirrorViewSRACoreUtilities.cpp@000682 StoreCredentials                        ] Invalid ip address 'bne01-spa' or username 'emceng' specified. HRESULT:0xC00407D5
[#2] [001768][000796][11/04 14:33:02 120][DiscoverArrays.cpp            @000236 DiscoverArrays                          ] Exit. hr:0xc00407d5
[2011-11-04 14:33:02.183 02700 info 'PrimarySanProvider'] discoverArrays exited with exit code 0
[2011-11-04 14:33:02.183 02700 trivia 'PrimarySanProvider'] 'discoverArrays' returned <Response>
[#2]   <ReturnCode>2</ReturnCode>
[#2]   <ArrayList />
[#2] </Response>
[2011-11-04 14:33:02.183 02700 info 'PrimarySanProvider'] Return code for discoverArrays: 2
[2011-11-04 14:33:02.183 02700 error 'PrimarySanProvider'] The scripts returned an error, leaving the temporary file 'C:\Windows\TEMP\vmware-SYSTEM-1279426608\dr-sanprovider2700-0'
[2011-11-04 14:33:02.183 02700 error 'PrimarySanProvider'] Invalid array management system address reported by the script
[2011-11-04 14:33:02.183 02700 info 'ArrayManagerImpl.QueryInfoTask-Task'] Work function threw MethodFault: dr.san.fault.InvalidAddressFault

Cause :

This issue occurs when the SRM server is unable to resolve the hostname or FQDN of the Storage Manager of the array.

Resolution :

To resolve this issue, when adding the array manager, use the IP addresses instead of the hostname or FQDN for the Storage Managers of the array to.

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