Tuesday, 17 February 2015

Unable to power on/off the VM Error : msg.checkpoint.cpufeaturecheck.fail

There are many situations where in we have encountered issues of unable to power of the virtual machine. Below is one of the troubleshooting step which helped resolving the problem with the help extensive/elaborate logging of VMware Logs with which we identify the problem.

Symptoms : ========== Unable to power on/off the virtual machine Unable to revert to the previous snapshot Unable to unregister/register the host to different host. Purpose : ========= To power on the virtual machine Cause :
VMware.logs: ============= vmx| [msg.checkpoint.cpufeaturecheck.fail] The features supported by the processor(s) in this machine are different from the features supported by the processor(s) in the machine on which the checkpoint was saved. Please try to resume the snapshot on a machine where the processors have the same features
Resolution : ============ Uncommented the checkpoints in the vmx file and was successfully able to power on the virtual machine.

1 comment:

  1. In our case commenting OUT the checkpoint.vmState line in the vmx file restored bootability.
