Friday, 13 February 2015

VMware SRM installation fails with error: Visual Studio C++ Redistributable could not be found

  • You are unable to install VMware Site Recovery Manager.
  • Installation of VMware Site Recovery Manager fails
  • You see this error: "Visual Studio C++ Redistributable could not be found".
Cause :

This error appears when the installation wizard is not able to detect the Visual Studio C++ Redistributable application on the Windows machine.

Resolution :

To resolve the issue, install the Visual C++ redistributable from VMware vCenter:
  1. Download the VMware Virtual Center from the VMware Download Center, selecting the appropriate version and build of your existing environment.
  2. Explore the Setup folder. Go to redist > vcredist and open the folder for the version of your Operating System.
  3. Double-click the .exe file to install the Visual C++ Redistributable.
After the Visual C++ redistibutable is installed, you can install VMware Site Recovery Manager.

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